SVCH Hunting Habit's Key To The Future
She is fucco free, Hips A and eyes clear. She has good tracking- and showingabilities. She got a promissing litter the year 2004.
SVCH Hunting Habit's Key to the Future
(redmarked dogs are tracking- or showchampions)
Clanach Crown Destiny |
NUCH Mompesson Have Fun |
Mompesson Duty Free |
SVCH Hunting Habit's Judgement Day |
Cleavehill Loyal Spirit |
Calvedale Moon and the Stars |
GB IRL SHCH Calvdale Curtsey to the Moon |
GBSHCH Wadson Inspector Wexford |
SVCH NUCH Calvedale Crimewave |
Austshch Coorgil Constellation |
Hunting Habit's MB Ebony Girl |
NUCH Inu-Goya Barley Brew |
NUCH Hunting Habit's QS Miss Bonney |
LP NVCH Woodbay Quest's Summertime |